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Notification of Social Security Number Collection and 使用

Notification of Social Security Number Collection and 使用

遵守第119条.071(5), Florida Statutes, Gulf Coast State College (GCSC) issues this notification regarding the purpose for the collection and use of your 社会安全号码(SSN). 墨西哥湾海岸州立大学收集并使用你的社会安全号码 only to perform the College duties and responsibilities. 为了保护你的身份 GCSC will maintain the privacy of your SSN and never release it to unauthorized parties 遵守州和联邦法律. 学院为你分配一个独特的学生/员工 identification number which is used for associated employment and educational purposes 包括查看你的大学记录.

Gulf Coast State College may collect and/or use your Social Security Number for the 以下用途:



Human Resources (Employment and Hiring) SSNs are used for legitimate business purposes in compliance with completion and processing of the following:
  • 联邦I-9(国土安全部)
  • 联邦W4, W2, 1099(美国国税局)
  • 联邦社会保障税(FICA)
  • Processing and Distributing Federal W2 (Internal Revenue Service)
  • 失业报告(税务署)
  • Florida Retirement Contribution reports (FL Dept of Revenue)
  • 工人赔偿索赔(fccmc和劳工部)
  • 直接存款档案(附属银行)
  • 403b和457b贡献报告
  • Group health, life and dental coverage enrollment (for employees and their dependents)
  • 各种补充保险扣除报告
  • Background checks (SSNs are collected in conducting employment background investigations for prospective employees as well as promotion eligible employees pursuing positions 特别信任)
  • Retirement documents (for retirees, employees and their 受益人)
Providing your Social Security Card is a condition of employment at GCSC.
  • Tax-related uses are authorized and/or required by 26 USC 3402, 3406, 1441, 6109 & 31.6011(b)-2; 8 USC 1324a; and 20 CFR 404.452
  • 与福利相关的使用是由119授权的.071(5)(a)6.b.,f.,g, F.S
  • Background/employment-related uses are required by 8 USC 1324(a) and 42 USC 653(a)
  • 工人赔偿索赔由440授权.185, F.S.美国劳工部,fccmc
  • Unemployment uses are authorized by State of Florida; disclosure per 119.071(5)(a)6.b., F.S.
  • Retirement uses are authorized by Florida Department of Revenue; disclosure per 119.071(5)(a)6.b., F.S.


  • Federal legislation relating to the American Opportunity Tax Credit/Lifetime Learning Tax Credit requires that all postsecondary institutions report student SSNs to the 美国国税局(IRS). 这一IRS要求使得GCSC有必要 收集每个学生的SSN. 学生可以拒绝透露他/她的社会安全号码 this purpose, but he/she may be subject to IRS penalties.
  • 的 Florida public school system uses the SSN as a student identifier. 这是有益的 to have access to the same information for purposes of tracking and assisting students in the transition from one educational level to the next, linking all levels of the 国家教育体系. 的 intent is to establish a comprehensive management database of information which will co-reside with the Division of Public Schools Information Database and the State University System Database to provide integrated information 在州一级的教育决策.
  • SSNs may appear on official transcripts and are used for business purposes in accordance 其参数由美国政府制定.S. 教育部.
  • Tracking uses are authorized by SBE Rule 6A-10955(3)(e); 1008.386, F.S. 和将军 教育规定法案(20 USC 1221(e-1)).
  • American Opportunity Tax Credit/Lifetime Learning Tax Credit uses are authorized by 26 usc 25a
  • 注册使用由119授权.071(5), F.S.
  • Issuance of Form 1098T for tuition payment reports is authorized by 26 USC 6050S, with updated guidelines in Federal Register, August 2, 2016/IRC Section 25A
  • 的 College Reach-Out Program (CROP) uses are authorized by 1007.34, F.S.


  • 的 SSN is required for enrollment verification and reporting for all Veterans Administration 受益人. A Veteran student is required to report his/her SSN in order to receive 适当的好处和用于跟踪目的.
  • 38 USC 3471要求


  • 的 Student 金融援助 Office uses SSNs in the application process for determining eligibility for financial aid such as grants, loans, work assistance programs and 奖学金(包括光明未来). ssn是用来识别学生的 佛罗里达学生经济援助办公室和美国大学.S. 教育部. 每个学生必须在FAFSA上报告他/她的SSN. 如果没有提供SSN,则 FAFSA不能被处理.
  • Collection uses are required by Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (§§483 and 484); 20 USC 1078, 1090, 1091 & 1092
  • 34 CFR 668要求.行政用法16
  • 34 CFR 668要求.33用于居住验证用途
  • 34 CFR 668要求.36用于FAFSA验证用法
  • 34 CFR 668要求.32(i)和34 CFR 668.36是联邦工作学习的用法
  • 经26 CFR§1授权.6050S-3 for issuance of Form 1098E, a tax form used to report 学生贷款利息


  • 的se programs, funded through the Agency for Workforce Innovation (AWI), use your SSN as identifier for program eligibility, enrollment and completion.
  • 119要求.071(5)(a)


  • SSN information is collected to comply with Internal Revenue Service regulations for contractors and individuals who have entered into agreements for services, as required 由联邦法律授权.
  • Required by Internal Revenue Code, Section 6109; Title 26 US Code


  • 的 基金会 is charged with advancing the mission and goals of the College through scholarships, program support, outreach initiatives, and fundraising activities. 的 基金会 has a need to access SSNs of individuals who supply services to the 基金会 法律规定的税收目的.
  • 获119人授权.071(5), F.S.
Gulf Coast State College does not discriminate against any person in its programs, activities, policies or procedures on the basis of race, ethnicity, color, national origin, marital status, religion, age, gender, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, disability, or veteran status. 所有的问题 or inquiries regarding compliance with laws relating to non-discrimination and all complaints regarding sexual misconduct or discrimination, may be directed to 李木, Executive Director, Human Resources/Title II/504/Title IX Coordinator and Employment 海湾海岸州立学院,5230 W. 美国98号高速公路,巴拿马城,佛罗里达州32401.